Perreaux improve an already impressive set of integrated amplifiers with something world class and masterful.
Zingali Twenty Evo 1.2
This review has taken some time to put together. What started out as a simple review turned out to be an adventure involving quite a few listening sessions and input from fellow audiophiles. Lets start with the system. As DAC we used the mighty EMMLabs XDS1 CD/DAC/SACD and the giant killer iFi PRO iDSD dac. Preamp is the MingDa MC300. …
iFi iDSD Pro
Is this the best DAC under R100 000 ? I think it might just be.After winning every shootout agains the big name DAC’s out there, dCS, EMMLabs, Levinson, Brinkman and Lampizator, this DAC demands a listen. It runs with the Giants in the game.Where does one start with a DAC like this? Lets ease into it. The Looks This is …
Lance Dixon – Revolve Turntable
At the end of a long phone-call with an Audiophile friend, he mentioned to me that he knows someone that has built a magnificent turntable. A work of love and pure genius. Meticulously designed and very sound mechanical principles. Seeing that we are all a little bit isolated from the rest of the “modern” world and that most of our …